Wellness is taught. Here is an activity story to do with your children to help them keep well and keep others well too.
Kids Wellness with Teddy and Elephant
Teddy and Elephant just discovered why people get sick. Their new word is microbes . Microbes are tiny living things that are found all around us. Microbes are too small to be seen. They live in water, soil, and in the air.
The human body is home to millions of these microbes, also called microorganisms. Some microbes make us sick; others are good and keep us well by helping us digest food. Other good microbes can be made into medicines to fight the bad ones.
ACTIVITY – DRAW some Microbes: Good and Bad
We are not to be afraid of them, like scaredy cats, but we are to be smart teddies and elephants. This means to know the right things to do. Then DO them, so we don’t get sick or make other people sick.
Keeping Well -What do Wise Teddies and Elephants do?
They think wellness. This means paying attention to their noses, mouths, and hands (or paws as the case may be). And feeding our bodies healthy foods and vitamins.
What are some good ideas?
Noses – Do we pick our nose or wipe our nose on our hands or clothes?

Nope. We use a tissue, and then wash our hands.
Mouths – Do we share our toothbrush or food we have licked?

We eat our own food and get new food for others. We have our own toothbrush. This helps us stay well, and what do we do after?
Hands – Right, before and after, wash your hands or paws.
What about wellness when coughing and sneezing? We cough or sneeze into our sleeve or elbow. Do we do fake coughs or sneezes for fun Nope, that’s silly and it has the possibility of making someone sick. What to do next? Wash our hands.
Gosh, hand washing is important for wellness.
Hand Wash for Wellness
Click here and watch the cat show you how. Wash your hands well and often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
How long is that? Sing happy birthday 2 times will do fine. Bad microbes are tough and need lots of soap time to wash them down the drain.
Soap and water are always best for helping with kids wellness. If your hands are dirty, or you have touched a surface others have touched, wash your hands. What if soap and water are not available? You can use special hand cleaners called hand sanitizer.
Some Canadian Approved Hand Sanitizers
HAND WASHING SONG (choose a familiar tune )
Let’s sing our own hand washing song: (don’t forget to get your hands clapping)
Wash your hands before you eat, Bad microbes you will beat. Wash your hands after pee and poo, Then bad microbes won't get you. Wash you hands after a cough, To call bad microbes bluff. Yay, yay, yay, yay, yay.
What about Hugs! Does this mean no hugs?
Maybe, if we think someone is not well. Hug your mom and hug your dad and those you know are well.
Eat Well
This means good fruits, vegetables, proteins and perhaps a diet free of dairy. Check out the Paleo mom. Also Vitamin C and D are good additions.
Celebrate wellness and pray for the sick people to get well. Trust that even though the world can be a very confusing place, God is in control and has a plan to work all things out for your good.
“For I know the plans I have for you …”
Jeremiah 29:11
What are some good things that come out of being unwell?

When we can’t go out to see other people we can …
- Spend more time with God.
- We learn to appreciate that wellness is a gift, not a given.
- Slow down and get some needed rest.
You add to the list…
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