Often when you think of love you think romance, where you honor your sweetheart by buying flowers or going out for dinner. Romance can be defined as excitement and mystery and is associated with sexual attraction and the hope for something lasting. If we look at the statistics for romance novels, we find it is a billion-dollar industry. But is this true love or is it fleeting? The wedding toasts have been made, the honeymoon is over, and the laundry is piling up. What sustains us after the glitter wears off? What is real love? The only real love is unconditional, the only real love, perfect love is agape love.
AGAPE LOVE – What is it?
Agape love is an unconditional love which transcends circumstances. It is how God loves mankind. Agape love is also how God loves others through you if you allow it. It is the love spoken of in 1 Corinthians 13 – patient, kind, forgiving, and long suffering. It is not puffed up but honoring.
“The essence of agape love is goodwill, benevolence, and willful delight in the object of love.”
from https://www.gotquestions.org/agape-love.html
Does this mean you never take a stand, become a door mat? No, it means you never give up on your family, or on a family member, but we do set healthy boundaries for the good of all. Part of love is respect. And boundaries are part of respecting one another, and a way to show agape love.
AGAPE LOVE – Different from other types of love
There are other types of love yes. There are 9 types and here is a fun little chart from FTD to show them all.
AGAPE LOVE – Is unique because it’s unconditional
So, if you have the goal to build up family, you need to look at unconditional agape love. You need to tap into the source, God, and be filled up to pour out for others.
Unconditional agape love includes taking care of God’s masterpiece, you. Self-care is not self absorption, nor is it neglecting yourself. It is taking care of the gifts God has given you: your body, mind, soul, and emotions. You will need the energy it takes to support your family. Self-care is like putting on your Christ-colored glasses to see yourself as God sees you, as his masterpiece, child, and dwelling place.
God loves you unconditionally, to the point of dying on the cross in the human form of Jesus. Why? to cover the sin God can not look upon and so the Holy Spirit is released on earth to indwell those who chose it. God’s greatest desire is to have a personal relationship with you.
You can take this unconditional love, allow it to fill you up and pour it out by loving our family as God loved, unconditionally and totally. How? by standing by each other.
There may have times when you need to step back and take on the role of intercessory prayer warrior if a member is on the path to self destruction, but it does not mean giving up. It may mean change or letting go but you can still leave without resentment which leads to bitterness, something which only destroys you. It may mean [you fill in the blank].
The main idea behind agape love is to look at the bigger picture to the greater good. This includes you. As we mentioned already self care is not selfishness it is taking care physically, emotionally, and spiritually so we can reach out and help others do the same. The goal being for the greater good of everyone in the family and families ripple out creating community.
If you like what you read sign up for the monthly First Friday Newsletter. and to say thank you to you we will send a free color pdf of 1 Corinthians 13 to remind you to practice agape love.
Sources https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agape https://www.gotquestions.org/agape-love.html
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One of my very favourite bible verses is 1 Corinthians 13. I find it very grounding. Thank you Moira for drawing attention to self care. I’m learning that one of my most important relationships is the one I have with myself. Happy Valentines!
Your comment has made the writing worthwhile. Thank you for sharing. I’m glad you too resonate with 1 Corinthians 13. Yes, God loves you just as you are, a work in progress, which is all to easy to forget. Know you are loved, lovable, and precious in God’s eyes.